I believe Azeem will only get better

It is every athlete’s dream to compete in the Olympics.

Azeem Fahmi only 20 was given a wild card for 100m in Paris 2024.

He competed but was disappointed with himself because it was not his personal best timing (10:09s).

For me, sharing an athlete’s joy is the easiest thing to do. Requires no effort in stringing your words.

But to see them after their defeat, to offer support and encouragement is not easy but I want to do it. If the logistics and schedule allow it, I make it a point to be there to tell them not to give up and that Malaysia stands with them.

No one wants a win more than the athlete himself. This is sports. Medals are given only to the best.

For Azeem, how many Malaysians can run on the 100m track for Olympics? This is a priceless experience. He is now training with Ken Harnden in Auburn. Met his coach and spoke to him about the next phase of his training. All his training mates are running in Paris 2024.

I believe Azeem will only get better. He has the humility to improve and with sheer determination, he will get there. Chin up Azeem!